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Research Paper Drafting

Gatsbi, a cutting-edge Generative AI agent, eliminates the complexity of research paper writing by offering a one-click solution for generating meticulously formatted in-text citations, figures, equations, experimental tables, charts, and references. Powered by advanced language modeling, Gatsbi automates tasks that typically require hours of manual effort, ensuring your manuscript meets the highest academic standards with minimal user intervention.


Starting Writing with One-click

You can request the system to generate a paper manuscript in academic style based on your selected idea. This function becomes available after idea expansion.

Click 'Write a Paper Manuscript' button to start paper writing

You can specify the word count for your research paper manuscript (maximum 5,000 words). If you're unsure how many words you need, we provide a Word Count Estimator tool. Click the infomatiion icon next to the word count slider, and a settings window will appear where you can estimate words per page based on:

  • Page Size (e.g., A4)
  • Font Size (e.g., 8 pt)
  • Line Spacing (e.g., 1.0x)

The tool will automatically calculate the approximate word count per page (e.g., 1537 words/page) based on your publication's formatting requirements. You can then adjust the total word count accordingly using the slider below.

Gatsbi's word count calculator

The manuscript will be written in English and will comprehensively include:

  • Organized sections with clear headings and subheadings
  • Mathematical equations and formulas with proper notation
  • Professional diagrams and illustrations
  • In-text citations following standard academic formats
  • Detailed experimental parameters and methodologies
  • Simulated or experimental results with analysis
  • Data presented in well-formatted tables
  • Visual representations through charts and graphs
  • A complete reference list in academic citation style

The paper manuscript maintains formal academic language and follows technical writing conventions throughout. Each element will be properly numbered, labeled, and cross-referenced within the text for easy navigation.

See an example technical report generated by Gatsbi:

Export Options and File Formats

You can export the final to multiple formats after completion:

  • DOCX - Compatible with Microsoft Word, ideal for further editing and collaboration
  • LaTeX - Perfect for academic publishing, maintaining precise formatting of equations and scientific content
  • Markdown - Great for version control and easy conversion to other formats

All exports will preserve:

  • Mathematical equations and formulas
  • Tables and figures with captions
  • Section numbering and hierarchy
  • Citations and references in their original format
  • Custom formatting and styles

The exported files maintain consistent formatting across all platforms, ensuring your manuscript looks professional regardless of the chosen format. Simply click the export button and select your preferred file format from the dropdown menu.

Ready to accelerate your research paper writing?

Transform your ideas into professional academic papers with expert guidance. Gatsbi AI helps you craft well-structured research papers while maintaining academic rigor and quality standards.

Start Writing Now